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Our History
Salt Life Ministries is a new ministry birthed by God to encourage all mankind to BELIEVE GOD, BUILD CHARACTER, and BRING CHANGE. We BELIEVE GOD is doing a new thing in the spirit and in this season. Since December 31, 2020, Salt Life Ministries has welcomed all who want to grow in God, and both pastors Marcus and Christy have been preaching and/or teaching the word of God since 2008 until present day.
Our Mission/Purpose
At Salt Life, our mission and purpose is to encourage all mankind to BELIEVE GOD through a journey of faith in God that will BUILD CHARACTER, leading all who come into the knowledge of His power and teachings to BRING CHANGE to our communities and the world.

1. To introduce God to non-believers so they may come into the knowledge, power, and teachings of Jesus, that will cause a change in their heart, mind, and spirit to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.
2. To equip the believer with spiritual tools that will promote a deeper relationship with God through praise, worship, prayer, study, giving, and service.

Our Leaders
Pastors Marcus and Christy Collins
Pastors Marcus and Christy Collins are servants of God and proud parents of 3 beautiful children, 2 girls and 1 boy. Both pastors are leaders in the community as educators and elected officials in Orange County Florida and have a deep passion to serve God and His people. Pastors Marcus and Christy served at Fresh Anointing Family Worship Center in Orlando/Eatonville Fl. under overseers Bishop Edison and Lady Claudia Hires and Senior Pastors Bruce and Andrea Green for 13 years. During their tenure at Fresh Anointing, Marcus & Christy were elevated to the office of Deacon and Deaconess, and later the office of Minister. Pastor Marcus received a word spoken from God which led to his elevation to the office of Youth Pastor/Christian Education Director in 2016. Pastor Christy Collins was a singer in the choir and was groomed and appointed to the office of Minister of Music in 2018 in addition to working as an Event Coordinator at FAFWC. In July 2020, God called Pastors Marcus & Christy to start a ministry. Both pastors felt the leading of God to begin a ministry, and on December 31, 2020 at 11pm Salt Life Ministries was born.
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